RotoBuzz -- Fantasy Baseball

Thursday, March 16, 2006

What's the Buzz? 3/16/06

Anyone shocked? Appalled? Dumbfounded? neither. So the U.S. was ousted from the WBC tonight with a 2-1 loss to Mexico. Can't believe it? I can. We were the only country represented that didn't show up to play. We were embarrassed at our own national passtime. Maybe it's because we don't play winter ball up here and we're not ready in March to go all out. But you know what...we didn't even play with pride tonight. Oh!!! And what's worse? Stinkin' Jorge Cantu had the 2 RBI for Mexico tonight. You might need to re-read my Cantu-disclaimer before I start sharing my thoughts about this guy. He still hasn't proved anything to me....
So there it is: Korea vs. Japan and the Dominican Republic vs. Cuba
Leave the Americans out this time. If they still plan to do this in 4 years, then maybe we should just send minor leaguers and college kids. Those kids will be hungry. Really...what was a more meaningful celebration -- Sweden and it's NHLers this year or the 1980 U.S. Men's Hockey Team beating the international pros?

In Spring Training today...

Some definite injuries to report so far as the Angels announced that they hope to have OF Garrett Anderson back in 2 weeks. It still looks like he could miss opening day. Check him out as a late steal maybe. If he were to come back healthy he would be a nice addition to your starting lineup.
2B Marcus Giles will be out a few days with a shoulder injury. He's definitely one of those guys where the phrase "prone to injury" is emphasized. When healthy he's solid, but with so many other nice young second basemen out there, you can do better.
An MRI on White Sox OF Scott Podsedenick showed nothing more than tendenitis, so he should be fine. Look for stolen bases galore and tons of runs scored.
The Cubs are calling pitcher Mark Prior's injury a posterior shoulder strain. He put off the MRI until tommorrow, but c'mon now...this just isn't good. Is it worth your stress and the risk to draft this guy? Sure he's got great potential, but how can you put your faith in this guy? I know I've kept saying I have a pitching rant I need to go on....well it's definitely coming soon. Look for it on my weekly column, Around the Diamond, on next week. It'll be there sometime around Tuesday or Wednesday.
I bet the Cubs are happy that the U.S. is out of the WBC allowing 1B Derek Lee the opportunity to rehab at their spring training facility.
In some non-injury news....
Marlins manager Joe Girardi announced that Dan Uggla has won the starting second baseman's job. He could be worth a late look to add some depth to your roster or if you need to start 2 second basemen like I have to. I might have to draft him just for his name alone.
Mariners catcher Kenji Jojihima is really catching everyone's eye. Now sssshhh. Don't talk about him to much. The less attention, the easier for you to grab him. If you don't, I will.
Texas closer, Francisco Cordero, was "graebered" today as he was shipped off to pitch in the WBC as an injury replacement. Doh!!!
The Devil Rays optioned Delmon Young to AAA today....guess you have to wait until next year again...this poor guy is buried down the depth chart.
Brewers closer Derrick Turnbow is getting pounded this spring...first it was the "which side of the rubber" debate and now this...can we just get him back to his form from last year and stop the experiments? Please?
Both John Patterson and Josh Beckett looked good today in their respective starts today. Look for Patterson to continue and have an excellent year. Look for Beckett to not. You've been warned.
That's all I've got for you now...

Catch you next time...