RotoBuzz -- Fantasy Baseball

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Look Out for the Boss!!!

Yankees owner George Steinbrenner is going to go nuts!!! It has been reported that Johnny Damon's shoulder injury will stop him from throwing for about a week and will most likely keep him out of the rest of the World Baseball Classic. The Boss predicted it and every other owner scoffed as the rest of them voted in favor of the Classic. Idiots!!! What I want to know is what was promised to MLB owners for them to be so in favor of a tournament that could damage their entire season!?!
It's already crept out that the Twins are upset about the way Johan Santana was used and I can't imagine the Cubs are too happy either. First, Kerry Wood's progress has been slow, then Derek Lee hurts his shoulder and now, Mark Prior is down with another shoulder problem. Rumor has it that they weren't forthcoming with Prior's injury from the start until season ticket sales were complete. So how are the fans going to react now that their most potent offensive weapon gets hurt in a tournament that the U.S. doesn't even seem to care about?
Mark my words.....this is going to get ugly. It's a guaranteed battle between ownership and that idiot, Bud Selig when teams watch their stars crumble during the second half this year due to over use and burn out. And we have definitely not heard the last from George...